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I Hate This

Monday, July 4, 2011

I stumbled into a chicken coop in brooklyn last week. Probably the nastiest thing I've been around in a while but man does chicken hit the spot.

What Say You (33)

Neddy wrote at 8:19pm Jul 4
Yay, you're back :)
Lindsey wrote at 3:54am Jul 5
Tighe Lory wrote at 5:37am Jul 5
Mike, Great to have a comic -- but conspire means to act together. Sanders and General Tso look like they are going to battle each other.
Mike Gioia wrote at 7:34am Jul 5
Thanks Tighe. Yea this one isn't so clear, but what they're doing is orchestrating a war between the chickens so they can harvest all of their chicken meat to start off their franchises/empires.
Teh Devil wrote at 8:01am Jul 5
Well, they're not kids, but they are short and exploitable. Lovely work as always mate.

Two fast-food founding fathers charge headlong into a hazardous game of horseback chicken.
Socks wrote at 10:16pm Jul 5
How does one 'stumble into' a chicken coop? Was it disguised as a lame hipster bar?

Moreover I'm sad this wasn't a pun on 'chicken coup'
Tighe Lory wrote at 5:41am Jul 6
@Mike now I feel like a dunce! Keep up the good work! So who picks up the all the chicken in the end? ;-)
Mike Gioia wrote at 7:05am Jul 6
We all do, Tighe. I didn't draw it in but after the battle scene the ground maintained a 350 degree temperature for 25 minutes and it rained barbecue sauce.
Tony McGurk wrote at 6:16am Jul 15
I bet Tso doesn't have the power of the 11 secret herbs & spices on his side...
Tony McGurk wrote at 6:18am Jul 15
I just Googled General Tso as I've never heard of him before
wobster109 wrote at 8:14am Jul 16
Once upon a time, I was at a math competition with a few friends, and we were ordering food. They dared me to ask who was General Tso. The lady on the other end just hung up on me.

Anyways, yay an update!
109 wrote at 12:28am Jul 23
Oh right! Monthly poke! I still <3 The Grim Adventures and hope for an ending!
Always the Hooker Name wrote at 11:00pm Aug 1
love it. I bet the general breeds his army until it engulfs the colonel's chickens. O r the general's chickens get the flu... again.
spicelux wrote at 8:05pm Aug 27
....with every six dead you get free eggroll.
Vegangirl wrote at 10:25pm Aug 27
And then, when they least expect it, the chickens unite and turn on their human oppressors! Bokbokbokhahaha!!!
109 wrote at 10:25pm Sep 10
Semesterly poke! I still read through The Grim Adventures every few weeks, including the adorable scene from August 2009.

And then the comics between November 2009 and March 2010 began disappearing! It was very frightening. Don't die, Apokalips!
Mike Gioia wrote at 7:19am Sep 23
109 this might be a good time for me to start PJ & BB back up :) I'm gonna run through them again this week.
gab wrote at 4:04pm Nov 14
Shakes wrote at 12:35pm Dec 3
Goodnight sweet prince
Otaku wrote at 5:06pm Dec 10
How often are these comics updated? :o Cause I'm dying to read another.
NobyShroom wrote at 12:20am Dec 25
I hope that by some Christmas miracle this comic will be revived!
Name wrote at 3:43am May 25
Enter your thoughts here...
Shally wrote at 6:21pm Aug 16
That's a birllinat answer to an interesting question
Rick Otto wrote at 8:31am Aug 24
109 wrote at 11:00am Oct 30
Hi Apokalips! I know you have Friday Morning now, but I still miss Apokalips. Always waiting for Grim Adventures, even if it's not happening anymore. Even if it makes me sound like a crazy ex.
Mike Gioia wrote at 7:52am Nov 9
Thanks 109! I wrapped up the Friday Morning toon a few weeks ago. I think once the holiday is over I'm going to resurface one of these toons (apoka or grim). Thanks for keeping the faith!
Tyrone Freeman wrote at 5:54pm Feb 17
i do not find anything wrong with this, as a black man.
Paullll wrote at 5:34pm Mar 20
You need to start writing these comics again! They just made my evening
Deanna Cayton Timon wrote at 2:52pm Mar 26
Give Sugar you will Get Sugar Back! ~<3~
109 wrote at 7:40pm Dec 15
Yearly poke! The datetime stamps could do to have a year on the end! I <3 Grim Adventures 4ever!
109 wrote at 5:20am Oct 7
Yearly poke! Your front page comment section has been overrun by spam. :(
A 109 never forgets!
109 wrote at 5:40am Oct 7
I knew there were some comics that had disappeared, and now I can finally prove it! You had a 3-part Easter series that ended in the chickens going to the McPhersons and finding the eggs cooked. Where did parts 2 and 3 go?
109 wrote at 9:58pm Mar 17
Bi-annual poke! I keep wondering what years the comments were from, so this one contains a timestamp. It is currently 1657 (Central time), March 17, 2015. I'd wait 500 years if that's what it takes!

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