Explanations & Comics

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I create my comics in hopes that it will make others smile.  Communicating only with a few panels of lighthearted pictures, a short string of words and a twisted idea, a comic is somehow able to translate the essence of a concept without the need for further explanation.

There are methods of sharing experience, insight, feeling and understanding that transcend prose and the written word.  A poem can grasp the spirit of a feeling more absolutely than a long-winded sentence;  a short, simple song can strike at personal chords of the human experience with more focus than could a textual analysis of that music.

Comedy is no different.  I could explain each comic—in fact, I have considered pairing each strip with a short analysis—but I felt it would subtract from the original intent of the comic.  The simplicity of a comic allows the reader to inhale the event in its entirety.  Marrying a comic to its explanation would corrupt the attributes of the comic itself, leaving it crippled with ambiguities and over-explanation.

Fundamentally, the experience a reader of a comic draws is another kind of understanding in itself.  Much in the same way an analytical paper on Walt Whitman drains his poetry of its life, or how a description of an otherwise emotion-evoking Beatles song may scrape at the skeleton but never quite find the meat of significance, so too does a comic communicate to its reader in an wholly different way.

I can’t explain why some of Gary Larson’s strips—images of cows driving cars and chickens dining at restaurants come to mind—are strangely hilarious.  I can’t explain why I find Bill Watterson’s art—images of an imaginative child and his stuffed tiger roaring down a hill on a wagon or building snow fortresses come to mind—a perfect vehicle for social criticisms and wry philosophies.

I can’t explain the work of Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman (Zits), Georges Remi (Tintin), or Scott Adams (Dilbert) because a strong comic communicates its message more effectively than any other medium.  To try to fully explain their significance would be to miss the idea, swinging at a fastball with a golf club.  They are two different sports.  A comic stands alone.


What Say You (6)

Luis wrote at 8:30am May 28
I love your comics, they have just the right blend of wordplay and visual humor that I look for in a new comic. I hope you continue making them and keep up the good work!

P.S. If you could add a Wednesday update in there it would be awesome.
Kelli Garner wrote at 7:40am Sep 29
Thats very good to know... thanks
cinda suryani wrote at 1:11pm Mar 9
Leave some Love
Narita Soesanty cpd wrote at 4:41pm Jun 3
i like iy
Pardinan wrote at 9:52am Aug 29
Ne3o quer mai nada ne3o? Coe7ada? Chazinho? Vc viu que e9 o blog de uma portuguesa? Quem sabe ela ate9 je1 tenha tradue7e3o daleuqa poesia. Caso ne3o, eu posso tentar, mas ne3o ficare1 nem de longe perfeito. Algumas daleuqas palavras team mais de um sentido e eu acho que eu ne3o sou boa de tradue7e3o, mas posso tentar, je1 que o vocabule1rio fe1cil.
Ece wrote at 12:45pm Aug 29
Ok, Bibi, desculpe se parcei abusado Ne3o foi essa a minha intene7e3o. Imaginei apenas que vocea gostaria de exercitar um pouco, ok? Perguntei para a Elisa se ela teria a tradue7e3o daquele poema. Estou aguardando uma resposta dela. Lhe darei notedcias, este1 bem?

Leave Some Love
