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I Hate This

Friday, August 14, 2009

Courtesy of K. Quinn on this one. I also don't think I've ever seen a black pot or kettle in my entire life. I don't know where that expression comes from.

What Say You (22)

n.hill wrote at 8:58am Aug 13
yo wrote at 9:14am Aug 13
Cast iron pots and kettles are black
CanCan wrote at 9:30am Aug 13
You are a pot
beth wrote at 12:47pm Aug 14
try putting one over a fire
exzantia wrote at 3:19am Aug 14
gopher65 wrote at 6:40am Aug 14
When you put a shiny pot over a fire the soot almost immediately turns it black. If you scrub the pot after each and every use you can remove the soot and make the pot shiny again, but if you don't the pot builds up a layer of soot thick enough where it is all but impossible to get off.

So a pot that isn't well maintained would become black.
Gwen wrote at 7:18am Aug 14
Yeah the saying came from when most pots and kettles were made of cast iron. Not the copper and alluminium stuff we use today.
Danica Sevilla wrote at 7:59am Aug 14
Oh wait... was it a reference to being black or the fact that they were no longer using saucepans/pots to heat up their water but kettles instead?
Gazared wrote at 8:04am Aug 14
It almost looks like the kettle's the stuck-up one. Look at his turned-up spout!
Gazared wrote at 8:05am Aug 14
Also, wow, those windows are high!
Kristen wrote at 8:39am Aug 14
Haha! Gazared, your window comment made me laugh the most!
Mike Gioia wrote at 8:39am Aug 14
Haha, any surface level light coming in heats him up too much.
Gazared wrote at 9:21am Aug 14
That... actually makes sense...

Must. Not. Make. Lame. Joke. I wonder what gets the kettle boiling.
Chris Ellis wrote at 11:24am Aug 14
Where's the kettle's shiny pot wife?
Nice work, Mike!
Drea wrote at 5:18am Aug 19
Chris wrote at 5:36pm Oct 11
Yeah.. What I imagine was funny to the person who drew this was lost on me. The only way this would make sense was if the pot were black as the point of the idiom was to address the hypocrisy of condemning someone for a quality one possesses. Fail joke is fail.
Guy wrote at 5:57pm Oct 11
The perspective is way off.
phiasco wrote at 11:18am Jan 7
i wonder why the kettle is walking on the grass (instead of the neat path directly connecting the rear of the truck and the front door)...
contemplato wrote at 3:57am Feb 1
Cast Iron pots or kettles are as black as cast iron skillets.
xnamotorp wrote at 1:40am Feb 21
Kettle originally referred to a large 'pig/cast' iron cooking vessel meant to serve a 'host/army' (Host of biblical notion is a fighting brigade). Kettles are dark gray to black from the start. Pot is a modern cooking vessel for a household. Pots as gopher65 mentioned were made usually of shiny steel. Bad maintenance of a pot leads to near permanent blackening that can only be repaired by corroding or scouring past the original surface. What is desirable in a Kettle is unwanted in a Pot. Thus the meaning is an a example of hypocrisy. The Kettle was dark to begin with, while the pot darken with age.
asdfsf fdaas wrote at 3:30pm Mar 1
who gives a shit you wikipedia retards

the pots calling the kettle black
jeff wrote at 10:43am Jun 5
Brilliant. I'm trawling through your archives btw

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